Friday, September 13

Sister, Sister

So my sister has been doing really great at blogging and has this whole motivation behind each day. Her "day one" blog was about her life and this is how she described it:

Day 1, Wednesday: The story of your life in 250 words or less (or one paragraph... no one will be counting your words... probably)

My life is wonderful.  I grew up in a home centered around the gospel of Jesus Christ, learning from my parents who were both converts to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.  I grew up with an older sister and a younger brother.  I went to day care with lots of kids and 2 wiener dogs. I went to Woodrow Wilson elementary school where my dream career was to be a hair dresser and a babysitter. I went to Eisenhower middle school where my dad was the band director, and it was awesome. I play the trombone. I went to Manhattan High School where I became who I am today. I started everyday of High School with a 6:20am church class called Seminary where I learned about the gospel of Jesus Christ. I loved it. I graduated in 2013. Now I am here in Idaho, trying to figure it all out. and I'm excited. 

Basically we are the same. The only differences are the things I crossed out. I have a younger sister, I wanted to be just a babysitter and a mom, I played the french horn, and I graduated in 2010. I agree with claire, "Now I'm here in Idaho, trying to figure it all out. and I'm excited." haha, she is the best! And sometimes I think we are the same person. 

Read more of her enteries at :)

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